Directive 92/42/EEC, Boiler Efficiency (BED)

The Boiler Effeciency Directive is a New Approach Directive relating to the efficiency requirements for new hot-water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels. The Directive forms part of the European Union’s SAVE programme (Specific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency) and is concerned with improving energy efficiency and the subsequent reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide from standard, low temperature and gas condensing, series produced boilers that have outputs in the range 4 to 400 kW.

The part of the directive that has not been repealed specifies the minimum efficiency levels with which new hot-water boilers must operate in full-load or partial-load conditions.

Conformity Assessment Procedure for CE certification

We as channel partners in India to EU notified bodies carry out conformity assessment of products in accordance with following modules:

  • EU type-examination (Annex III – MODULE B)
  • Type conformity (Annex IV – Module C)
  • Production quality assurance (Annex IV – Module D)
  • Product quality assurance (Annex IV – Module E)

Scope of tests and assessments (selected characteristics):

  • Documentation
    (drawings, technical manuals, material certificates, electrical diagrams)
  • Design
    (material, thickness, dimensions, equipment, maintenance, cleaning)
  • Functioning
    (performance parameters, emission parameters, electric power consumption, hydraulic loss, noise emissions)
  • Safety
    (surface temperatures, overheating, lack of air, propagation of smoke or flame into the hopper, leakage, electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility)
  • Ecodesign parameters
    (seasonal efficiency, seasonal emissions)
  • Energy Efficiency category
    (energy efficiency index – EEI)


  • High temperature of the boiler door
  • Insufficient insulation of the external parts of the boiler
  • Improper placement of the safety thermostat sensor
  • Absence of the safety thermostat
  • Inadequate mechanical protection of the moving gears


  • EN 303-5 Heating boilers. Part 5: Heating boilers for solid fuels, manually and automatically stoked, nominal heat output of up to 500 kW.
  • EN 14394+A1 – Heating boilers – Heating boilers with forced draught burners – Nominal heat output not exceeding 10 MW and maximum operating temperature of 110 °C
  • EN 15270 – Pellet burners for small heating boilers – Definitions, requirements, testing, marking
  • EN 12809 Residential independent boilers fired by solid fuel. Nominal heat output up to 50 kW.
  • EN 15036-1 Heating boilers. Test regulations for airborne noise emissions from heat generators. Part 1: Airborne noise emissions from heat generators
  • EN 15456 Heating boilers. Electrical power consumption for heat generators.
  • EN 06 1008 Fire protection of heating appliances

Why QVC?

QVC as a Certification Body involved in Certification & assessment is

  • Impartial
  • Having trained personnel having knowledge of requirements of assessments
  • Having adequate facilities or access to facilities like testing, documentation of regulation/standards needed to perform technical & administrative tasks
  • Maintaining confidentiality of the information gained during the assessment of a particular task

Involved in coordination activities organized by competent organizations

Your Benefits At A Glance

With our comprehensive solutions for Pressure Equipment’s Conformity Assessment you can:

  • Ensure product conformance, safety and compliance with occupational health and safety requirements in Europe and worldwide.
  • Reach full compliance and certification prior to product placement.
  • Gain competitive advantage and greater market access with certification marks from an international Notified Body.
  • Tools used for Easy Access of database, reducing waiting time for documents to be transferred between agencies through conventional methods.
  • Reduce risk of company liability with documented safety standards.
  • Benefit from our exclusive one-stop service, covering a wide range of international certification from a single source.

Count on our auditors & experts to ensure compliance with the European directive and national regulations,