Food is the bases for Human life and it is a critical issue for Humans, the unsafe products can seriously impact the organization reputation and have to face consequences of Statutory and regulatory bodies. A robust and well-managed food chain is essential to the health and well-being of all consumers and is fundamental to social and economic stability. This makes food safety a critical issue that must be managed effectively throughout the food chain, from farm to fork. To meet obligations to the public and stay competitive, food and beverage companies throughout the food chain must meet high expectations for quality and safety. The QMS implementation not only increase the Productivity as well as it helps in Understanding the requirement of Interested Parties, defining the Objectives and Policy for achieving the goal.
Today’s consumers want to know where their food comes from, how it was made and processed, and how its quality was preserved. As a food industry professional, you need to demonstrate:
We can provide certification audits for a number of industry standards, including those that relate to food safety mainly covering ISO 22000, HACCP, calibration of measuring equipment, Area validation services etc.