ATEX Certification (Explosive Atmospheres)
QVC has been issuing ATEX certificates since many years and we have supported hundreds of organizations to meet their certification goals. We have the qualified team of Certification Engineers and Auditors who can help you for an end-to-end certification service to meet your needs.
Certification of facilities and workplaces with potentially explosive atmospheres as required by the ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU)
The objective of ATEX Directive is to ensure the free movement of Ex products within the European Union, by offering one harmonized compliance procedure accepted by all EU countries, eliminating the need for different national standards.
The Directive removes barriers to trade by defining Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSRs) for Ex equipment. The EHSRs form the basis of an EU-accepted product conformity approval process that examines the potential ignition sources of equipment intended for use in explosive atmospheres.
Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres must comply with a range of regulations, standards and directives before they can be operated. As a manufacturer, you are responsible for obtaining the certification required in the country your equipment will be used in.
The European Union (EU) Directive 2014/34/EU, commonly called “ATEX”, covers electrical and non-electrical equipment that is used in potentially explosive atmospheres. It relates to all equipment, protective systems, safety devices, controlling devices, regulating devices, and components –defined as any item that is essential to ensuring that equipment functions safely.
Compliance with the ATEX directive is mandatory. Manufacturers are responsible for meeting the general requirements of Annex II by applying all relevant standards based on the design and “protection methods”of the product. Proof of the compliance with this directive is the Ex-mark.
The needs of their customers play a large role for importers and traders of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. In addition, there are special laws, directives and regulations for this sector both inside and outside Europe – and also national certification procedures – which have to be observed.
Conformity assessment procedure in accordance with Directive 2014/34/EU, only equipment and protective systems that fulfill the requirements of 2014/34/EU (“ATEX” Directive) may be placed on the market in the EU. This directive, which has been transposed by the member states into their national law, applies to
- Equipment
- Protective system
- Components and
- Safety, controlling and regulatory devices required for the safe functioning of equipment and protective
- systems

Design phase
During the design phase we can provide:
- Review of Available Ex Certification Types for Global Approval
- Identification of all applicable directives and standards.
- All specification requirements for certification (zones, gas and dust types, ambient ranges etc.)
- All Protection Concepts that can be made to work with their advantages and limitations
- Working drawings, equipment specifications and design codes.
- Support in deciding on a conformity route.
- Training and exchange of knowledge with our experts.
- Design verification, including explosion risk-related analysis, assistance in defining equipment groups and categories, verifying stress calculations,
- Type approval and certification.
Prototype Ex Testing:
We can perform the testing as per the following standards:
- IEC 60079-0: Part 0: Equipment – General requirements
- IEC 60079-1: Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures ‘d’
- IEC 60079-2: Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosures ‘p’
- IEC 60079-5: Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling ‘q’
- IEC 60079-6: Part 6: Equipment protection by oil immersion ‘o’
- IEC 60079-7: Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety ‘e’
- IEC 60079-11: Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety ‘i’
- IEC 60079-18: Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation “m”
- IEC 60079-30-1: Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating – General and testing requirements
- ISO 80079-36: Part 36: Non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres – Basic method and requirements
- ISO 80079-37: Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres
Manufacturing phase
- During the manufacturing phase, we can provide:
- Testing of products, pre-products, components and assemblies.
- Materials testing and production process testing.
- Procedure qualifications, including parameter identification,
- Feasibility and usability.
- Consulting in welding and materials technology.
Fast and effective Ex Certification
As our experience Certification Bodies and Notified Bodies are very busy now a days and often have lead times of 12-30 weeks before they actually can start your project. Quoted certification times are typically 12 weeks, but this is on the ‘assumption’ that the product and the certification drawings are fully compliant with the Standards they are certified to, for a product being Ex Certified for Europe. This can be over ten different Standards. When products don’t comply, the certification process is held up, and on average, certification typically takes over 6-9 months. The only way to get fast Ex certification is to submit the project for certification with no non-compliances and the correct drawing and documents required for certification.
Our Experts are available at your service 24×7 to reduce the timelines and unwanted delays.
Your Benefits At A Glance
With our comprehensive solutions for explosion protection you can:
- Ensure product safety and compliance with occupational health and safety requirements worldwide.
- Reach full compliance and certification prior to product placement.
- Gain competitive advantage and greater market access with certification marks from an international Notified Body.
- Tools used for Easy Access of database, reducing waiting time for documents to be transferred between agencies through conventional methods.
- Significantly reduce approval time and cost by using harmonized standards and common test protocols.
- Reduce risk of company liability with documented safety standards.
- Benefit from our exclusive one-stop-shop service, covering a wide range of international certification from a single source.
- Count on ATEX experts to ensure compliance with the European directive and national regulations Our solution
- QVC offers an ATEX certification service for any type of business and industrial sector: agriculture, food, chemical, petrochemical, industrial, warehousing, manufacturing, battery charging stations, among others.
- Certification of quality management system (ISO 9001)
- Certification of quality management system (ISO/IEC 80079-34)
- Certification of environment management system (ISO 14001)
- Certification of occupational health and safety management system (OHSAS 45001)
- Assessment of conformity of products to the requirements of European directives (CE marking of products)
- Testing of products
- Voluntary certification